Foreign-invested companies incorporation in Indonesia

Optimize your investment with our company incorporation package, including business setup and efficient application of licensing/permits.

Setting up a foreign-owned investment company in Indonesia allows foreign investors to fully own and manage a business under Indonesian law. To establish a PT PMA, you’ll need to meet the following requirements:

  • Capital Requirement: The minimum authorized and paid-up capital is IDR 10 billion.
  • Director: At least one foreign Director is required. This Director is eligible for a stay permit, known as KITAS Investor E28A.
  • Commissioner: Can be either a foreigner or a local citizen to supervise and monitor the directors’ work, ensuring the company’s activities align with its objectives. 

Foreign-invested companies incorporation Process

  1. Initial Capital Commitment
    The minimum required paid-up capital is IDR 10 billion
  2. Company Registration
    – A Notary will process the registration within 7 working days after the company’s deed is signed.
    – The Ministry of Law will then issue the company establishment decree and related documents.
  3. Registration of Online Single Submission (OSS)
    – Completed within 10 working days after receiving the establishment decree.
    – OSS will issue a business identification number, company registration certificate, business domicile certificate, and basic licenses.
  4. Company Taxpayer ID
    The tax ID registration is processed within 7 business days after obtaining the company deed, Ministry of Law decree, and domicile statement.
  5. Bank Account Setup
    – Once the tax ID is approved, the company’s bank account will be set up.
    – The paid-up capital will be deposited into the account, and proof of deposit will be sent to the Notary.


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